onlineRight now. All over the world, hundreds of millions of people are logging onto Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, and other social networks to connect, post, tweet, and chat.

This is the age of social networking. Where most interaction conducted by the next generation happens online, through FaceTime, or via text.

Sharing life instantly on social networking is the way of life. It has changed the way the world communicates.

It may be a fun and easy way to communicate, but it definitely poses a risk to people’s safety.

That being said, each family has to determine what they believe is the right course of action when it comes to social networking. Like any other medium, it can be our servant or our master. If it becomes our master, then obviously we want to stay away from it.

If you do decide to allow your child to join any form of social networking, here’s some guidelines I suggest you follow.

Guidelines to Social Networking

DISCLAIMER: Parents should never allow children total access to social networking without any kind of supervision. Even the most innocent of users is exposed to some level of risk. You can never be too sure of the dangers your child is exposed to. 

  1. Make a covenant with your child to remain pure in what they see, post, and share.
  2. Establish boundaries and agree to certain consequences if crossed.
  3. Install filters that blocks and monitors your child’s online traffic.
  4. Initiate frequent check-ups on all the devices and apps your child owns.
  5. Sign-up for your own social networking accounts to track your child.
  6. Stay up-to-date with the current safety tips for online usage.
  7. Maintain an open dialogue with your child about social networking.
  8. Pay close attention to signs of cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, exposure to sexual content, or violent material. If your child is a victim or perpetrator of any one of these things, please seek professional help.

People love to express themselves. Especially, when it comes to young people. And all the latest social networking makes that really easy to do. Therefore, tread with caution. Be wise in how you deal with social networking in the home, and maintain the knowledge necessary to keep up with it all. Consider this, what you don’t know can hurt you!

Who’s In Your Social Network?: Understanding the Risks Associated with Modern Media and Social Networking and How it Can Impact Your Character and Relationships (Pam Stenzel and Melissa Nesdahl)
Generation iY (Tim Elmore)
Download: Teaching Teenagers to Filter Their Media Choices (Walt Mueller)


DVD: Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media-Captive Culture (Phillip Telfer)