My Support for an Alternative to Boy Scouts of America

gay-pride-scout_0It’s a shame that the Boys Scouts of America (BSA) has compromised their core values and succumbed to the pressures of a destructive ideology!

I, for one, have stood by the BSA in the past. I’ve helped champion parents, kids, and leaders to grow and support the organization. However, after the BSA approved the expression and promotion of the “homosexual lifestyle” among young scouts, it was time to support an alternative…and I plead with you to do the same!

I write this blog because it is our duty not to allow false teachings capture the minds and hearts of our children (Col. 2:6-8). My plea is not merely a suggestion, but one brought about with great objective moral concern.

Here are my reasons why Christians should support a new scouting alternative proposed by

First, the simple truth is the BSA has lost its way. The moment they allowed homosexuality to be a part of its organization, its moral and ethical foundation was immediately lost. Here’s why.

The Bible condemns the practice of homosexuality (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:26-28; 1 Cor. 6:9-10). Therefore, by accepting and endorsing an immoral lifestyle, is itself, immoral. (For more info about this, please read chapter 9 & 10 in my book “The Raging War of Ideas”).

Second, this new policy of the BSA forces every Scout unit, irrespective of their religious beliefs, to adopt and implement this mandate. This is a direct violation of the First Amendment! The BSA says they are being accepting and tolerant, yet they enforce their homosexual acceptance on those who don’t accept it on religious grounds? How’s that for tolerance?! This is no longer about accepting an alternative lifestyle in the BSA, but discriminating a person’s civil rights!

Third, the BSA has allowed the Gay Agenda to completely reissue a whole new value system. On the BSA website it reads,

The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.

For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through over a century of experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.

However, the new focus through BSA is to indoctrinate all scouts to tolerate and accept the homosexual lifestyle as normal and productive. The BSA will advance the Gay Agenda through their various “programs” that build “character” and “trains” young people to be “responsible citizens” who will not discriminate homosexuals, but rather, endorse and promote it’s destructive lifestyle.

The moment the homosexual lifestyle is embraced, anything opposed to it is deemed intolerant. That means Christians who remain in the BSA program and express disagreement will be ostracized. This will only lead to persecution and violence. And it won’t be the openly gay scouts who will be in danger of such violence, but those children and parents who oppose them.

Fourth, the BSA should not be in the business of allowing an ideological movement (such as the Gay Agenda) to redefine one’s orientation. The fact that the BSA has incorporated a person’s sexual orientation as a testament to their identity is contrary to the organization’s respected principles. For years the BSA was in the business of building character. Now it’s in the business of endorsing someone’s sexual orientation. This is a compromising organization, not a promising one.

Fifth, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is leading the way in opposing this policy change in BSA. Though I am not affiliated with the SBC, I strongly commend the SBC for taking a strong stand in rejecting the compromise of BSA and encouraging their members to turn to an alternative. It is quite clear in the The Southern Baptist Convention’s statement of faith: “Christians should oppose … all forms of sexual immorality, including adultery, homosexuality, and pornography.” This isn’t just a statement of belief held by the SBC, but a belief strongly anchored in the Bible.

Sixth, and finally, this will only open the door to more sexual harassment and molestation in the BSA. In my career as a family pastor, I have seen far too many incidences where open acceptance of “sexual orientation” has led to an increase of sexual assaults. This is becoming a growing problem that our society seems to accept, not prevent. If you don’t believe me, read this article on the increase of sodomy hazing acts among teen boys.

Take Action

1. Drop the BSA.

2. Join an alternative organization that supports and advances biblical truth

3. Continue to pray for homosexuals to repent of their sin and come to Christ.