My Journey to Becoming a Better Dad – Day 5

Everyone loves to be appreciated. Especially when it comes to children.

I’ve never heard a kid say to me, “I love when my dad puts me down.”

That doesn’t happen.

What I do hear from the mouth of kids is, “I want my dad to accept me.” “I want my dad to appreciate me for who I am.” “I want my dad to tell me that I did a good job.”

This kind of appreciation goes along way.

Take a moment and think back when you were a child. Did your dad appreciate you? Can you recall times when your dad told you he was proud of you?

Unfortunately, much of our churches are filled with adults who never received that kind of love and attention from their dads growing up.

I remember talking to a man in his late 40s. His life was a mess. His wife was threatening to leave, and his children had grown to dislike him. He displayed all the signs of defeat. He went on and on about how his father never appreciated anything he ever did. He shouted, “It’s hard to let go of the bitterness I have towards my dad. All I ever wanted was for him to be proud of me.” I responded by asking, “And what do you suppose your family is saying about you?”

This father was so bitter about his childhood, that he had become blind to the fact that he wasn’t appreciating his own family!

As a parent, we need to constantly be sensitive to how we talk and act towards our children. Most days are filled with appointments, meetings, repairs, lists, drop offs, pick-ups, and practices. But in the midst of the busyness, do your children hear: “I appreciate you.”

Just the other day my oldest son was helping me with something. After we finished, he looked up at me and asked, “Did I do a good job, dad?”

“Yes, son. You did. Thanks for helping me.” I said.

“I like knowing I’m a help to you,” Tyler said with a big grin on his face.

Hearing those words from my son’s mouth reinforces my efforts to always appreciate my kids—even when I find fault.

Dads—be blessed with the children God has given you. Take moments in the day to let them know how much you appreciate them.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35